Well, its finally happened. The land has settled and we now own a patch of dirt in Williams Landing.
Moving forward from this point, the builder has applied for our building permit. Once that comes through we provide a copy to the land developer to finalise our already approved application for developer's approval (to make sure we've complied with all 1,245 [or thereabouts] restrictive covenants).
The build start date of 7 August 2009 has been confirmed.
Jase, Obie, Hoondee and I went out to the block on the weekend to check it out. I'll post the snaps when I get my camera back. The block next to us already has temporary fencing up and the site marker pegs are in place. In fact, they are concreted in place. I've heard rumours that some 'disreputable' builders deliberately knock out the site marker pegs so that you need to pay another $900 (of which the builder probably keeps a couple of hundred) to get the pegs re-established.
It would take a tractor to knock out our pegs. But we'll see.
Drew and Jase