Thanks for your patience with the updating. Truth be told that until just the last few days there hasn't been much to update! With the cabinets being delayed, the painting went ahead but not much else.
BUT NOW! The painting is done, the tiling is nearly done and the cabinets have been delivered. We truly are at the tail end now. We remain hopeful that we'll be in by Christmas but we aren't fussed if not. We'd rather the house be puuurfect!
Theatre room (note the cornices are up and the window edges are different colour to the wall)

Lounge room:

One of the bedrooms (again, note the colour scheme, we are really happy with our choices):

Pantry door:

"Strike a pose, there's nothing to it..."

This is our current driveway. We're thinking about exposed aggregate from where I'm standing with the camera, widening out to encompass the front pole and the portico. We're waiting for some quotes to come back before we decide:

The portico (door still wrong colour!)

The shower and niche in the ensuite have been water proofed:

This is the kitchen where the cabinets are going. I have no idea why they have left two unpainted spots when we aren't getting head high cabinets...

Our tiles got delivered!

The bath got water proofed and sealed:

Again, this is where we want the driveway to go:

More shots for driveway discussions:
The tiles were started to be laid:
The tiles were started to be laid:

This is the ensuite shower, with brick shaped tiles made of full porcelien. Very nice, and love how the pattern turned out:

Front door finally painted the correct colour (but the glass is still opaque when it should be translucent):

Our gutters are in, although not painted. We really should have got Colourbond but oh well:

This is the guests shower. Tiles are different, slightly yellow and are square:
The bath has also been 'tiled':
More installed gutters:

This is the guests bathroom cupboard. Its nice, and goes with the tiles:

All our cupboards finally arrived! *JUMPS FOR JOY!*

The theatre room skirting board now painted, same colour as around windows:

Tiling all but complete in the main areas:

Our kitchen cabinets:

Ensuite cabinets:

Ensuite again, this time from inside:

The door off the master bedroom has been stained again, each time getting darker. The darker the better:

Some grubby tradie wipped his hands on our wall!

All our cupboards finally arrived! *JUMPS FOR JOY!*

The theatre room skirting board now painted, same colour as around windows:

Tiling all but complete in the main areas:

Our kitchen cabinets:

Ensuite cabinets:

Ensuite again, this time from inside:

The door off the master bedroom has been stained again, each time getting darker. The darker the better:

Some grubby tradie wipped his hands on our wall!

Pantry, this time I've tried to capture the colour scheme of the tiles, skirtings, wall and roof but the yellow sun ruined the photo *grabs bat and ball and goes home*
Yup, the open. Good start.