Its not been an easy journey so far (countless weekends inspecting display homes, garden centres, tile showrooms, putting up with screaming kids, bad coffee at meetings in poorly ventilated rooms, sleepless nights stressing over finance, low valuations, bridging loans, paying desposits, meetings out at Deer Park with the builder -- all without having a car!).... but all in all, we've got to this point without killing each other.
Now, to the future.
Why are we doing all this? Well, two reasons:
Number 1:

(To the family: I can hear you 'tut tut'ing from here. Don't worry, the puppies are the last thing on the 'to do' list)
And 2: Freedom from the rental market. Renting in Melbourne is excrusiating and stressful.
So moving forward... We are waiting for the bank to send us our unconditional letter of offer. We are hoping this will come through within the next few days. Following that we need to execute the loan docs and settle on the land (which is going to be around 11 June 2009).
Once we get our signed contracts to the builder then they are technically able to start building. With any luck, because the land is settling mid June rather than late August, PD can start building earlier. We cross fingers this happens because it means that we MIGHT be able to get into our new home by Christmas.
I'll try and get some pics of the display home posted in the next few days. We used the display home as a starting point for our build.
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