Thursday, June 11, 2009
So close...
Monday, June 1, 2009
It's only illegal if you get caught, right?

Walking around the Federation Bike path, we came across a security fence. We thought our plans of standing on what soon would be our patch of dirt had been thwarted.
But we were so close! From the fenceline, we could see our soon-to-be street sign!
The temptation woke something in Jase that none of us knew existed... Jase told us, for the first time, that he possessed Magic Ninja Skills!
With a hop, skip and a jump, he bounded over the seemingly impenitrable fence and was standing on the other side
Dodging security patrols, bullets and heavy artillery, he quickly made his way to the street sign showing our street (Swanton Ave) for a quick photo opportunity.
After dispatching the guards, it was safe for us to join him so Drew 'Scarface' Fellowes, Jacquie 'Bonny' McCoy and Owen 'Godfather' Williams jumped the fence and we took some snaps of the driveway and our (very expensive) bit of dirt.
We left feeling satisfied. Was the month after months of delays worth it? We think so. Cedar Woods appeared to have done an amazing job. Now we just want to skip to the end where its all done!
Drew + Jase
Our house
As promised, here are some basic photos of the house as we (hope) it will look! These are taken from the display home in Craigieburn. While we haven't got the exact same look, its close.

The first steps
Its not been an easy journey so far (countless weekends inspecting display homes, garden centres, tile showrooms, putting up with screaming kids, bad coffee at meetings in poorly ventilated rooms, sleepless nights stressing over finance, low valuations, bridging loans, paying desposits, meetings out at Deer Park with the builder -- all without having a car!).... but all in all, we've got to this point without killing each other.
Now, to the future.
Why are we doing all this? Well, two reasons:
Number 1:

And 2: Freedom from the rental market. Renting in Melbourne is excrusiating and stressful.