People tell you about the hidden costs of home ownership, but they fail to mention the cost of shoes. Yes, shoes. Its true.
Melbourne drizzle + building site on block of land = muddy, muddy shoes.

And I thought site costs were difficult to deal with....
Anyway, this is from last weekend. I've been slack getting these photos up due to lots going on at work. Last weekend the roof was 90% complete and the frame looked like it was holding. We did a mid week run on Wednesday night (see yellow shoes to the left) and you wouldn't believe it -- in the three work days since Saturday, they have cladded the house in insulation, installed interior pipes and bricked up 80% of the facade and maybe 30% of the left hand side! Its crazy!
Anyway, there will be lots to show you next weekend but this is from last weekend...
From the front:

Entertaining side:

From the back (grand alfresco has a roof)

Double garage (used as plaster storage shed atm)

A hole?! [Note from ed: Its since been patched]

The plaster has been delivered. Thank goodness its wrapped in plastic. With the WIND down Williams Landing and our neighbours not courteous enough to be building thereby creating a wind break, I swear the rain comes in sideways...

These are the slimline roof tiles, lighter grey. They look great, v happy with the choice to upgrade:

Double garage (used as plaster storage shed atm)

A hole?! [Note from ed: Its since been patched]

The plaster has been delivered. Thank goodness its wrapped in plastic. With the WIND down Williams Landing and our neighbours not courteous enough to be building thereby creating a wind break, I swear the rain comes in sideways...

That's it. Next post might be a little delayed - its Grand Final weekend here and things tend to go a bit silly. Jase is a Sainters fan so if they win I'll probably be too hungover to blog on Sunday. If they lose I'm thinking about staying in a hotel and probably won't come home for a few days (well at least until the storm subsides).
Gumboots!! $10 at Dimmeys! Keep them in a box in the boot of your car. Will save your shoes and keep your car clean. Best 10 bucks I've ever spent. lol
ReplyDeleteThey've delivered the plaster very early. Hopefully it doesn't go walkabout. It's all looking great, once they get to site, they tend to get it going.
If things go well from here, you guys might be in for Christmas!!!
Commiserations to Jase, but it was a good game to watch. I was barracking for them 'cause it's been so long and Geelong had won 2 years ago. Maybe another time. Things are going gangbusters down at WL.
ReplyDeleteThe bricks are called La Mesa, its near the top of the range when it comes to brick prices - not because of the difficulty in making them or the number needed (the thin bricks are in the same category), but they come in three shades of colours which need to be mixed together when bricking. But when we saw the finished product (Cottesloe display home in Cragieburn), we knew they were the ones. And to be honest, there are lots of things that one can compromise on (door handles, pot drawers etc) which can all be done later - but bricks is not one of them.